How To Become a Business Coach


Expert Author Ian Ross Hollander
Q: What are the steps to become a business coach? Do I need to hyper successful already to help other people how to profit from their passion? What if I'm not a guru... or outgoing or comfortable pitching my products in public? Can I still help other small businesses succeed? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at why business coaching is probably the absolute BEST opportunity in the entrepreneurial space these days... and if you've got some online marketing experience, can be a "slam dunk' success story as well! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!
How do I start a business coaching business?
Very simple. Always start with having an ideal audience, or a niche to target. What profession do you know most about? Where is your own real world experience thus far? You don't have to be a pro... but having experience in a given vocation, and a lay of the land is obviously the sort of audience that you are going to be most comfortable with in the beginning... and they, most comfortable with you.
For example - most of the business coaches in the hyper profitable medical space (chiropractic business coaching is probably the most notable example) are in fact, retired or former chiropractors! When I started my first credit repair business many years ago by buying a turn key credit consultant "franchise", the strength of the program for ME... was that the owners were previous highly placed executives at the major credit agencies.
Trust me when I tell you, I don't care if your job history is limited to a few part time jobs in what you perceive to be low value fields, as long as you have IDEAS, and can inspire others to take action, you CAN (and will) make money.
Remember, most traditional business have NO idea how to run a successful online business. They don't know how to start a blog. They can't design. They don't know how to craft an auto responder sequence. They don't know what kind of hosting to choose. They don't know what article marketing is, or how to use social media for PROFIT, rather than plain old fun.
What they DO know?
That they NEED to know... and if they don't start now, they're going to be left behind.
And of course, this is your opportunity to shine.
What do business coaches earn?
Of course, there is a wide disparity in the income you can earn as a coach... from struggling to get by, to thousands of dollars a day in fees and commissions. BUT, the ICF (international coaching federation) says that in 2011, the average HOURLY income for a business coach is over $200 an hour. (with some published reports saying average rates now exceed $325 per hour)
Remember - start by defining who it is that you truly want to serve.
And then clearly identify what it is that you can do to improve their business through your previous experience. (even if the first step is super simple, like offering to build a blog for a specific market in your local community for several hundred dollars, and offer residual consulting at an hourly rate once it's live)
The bottom line is... It's all about value. Not fancy catch phrases or silly strategies that the "gurus" want you to believe work. It's about finding something you are truly passionate about, being willing to dive in and immerse yourself in understanding what professional people truly need, and then actually DOING it better than the mediocre marketers around you.
(and having a whole bunch of fun along the way)
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BUSTED! 3 Marketing Myths the Gurus WANT You to Believe (But Are 100% False)


Expert Author Alexa Ross
Q: Is anchor text important to article marketing? How about SEO? Should I buy an expensive keyword research tool to better target my ideal audience and use the PERFECT ratio of important phrases in my article? And are the BEST niches micro niches where no one else is competing but ME?
In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at some of the most prevalent (and poisonous) content marketing myths you'll find online, and look at the BIG reason why so many guru's continue to teach and preach them as well. Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!
Filed Under: Anchor Text is Important to Article Marketing Success
The truth is, I believed this to be true as well for a while... and it KILLED my conversions. For a while, YEARS ago... there was some value in using good anchor text in your resource box for SEO purpose. But for the last 3 or 4 years, and CERTAINLY in 2012, (and beyond) the idea that using a carefully crafted keyword phrase in your article author box is going to help you, is sadly mistaken.
The simple thing I did to CRUSH my previous conversions on the very same content? Instead of focusing on a set of words that wouldn't compel the click, (because after all, that's really ALL we care about - ultimately getting TRAFFIC to our site, service or offer) I changed my strategy to optimizing the words that proved to generate the highest CTR. This change alone, in one single content campaign, resulted in an extra 200 THOUSAND visitors to a single landing page, and a 30% CTR, versus my previously carefully selected keywords in a prior campaign.
I hope that makes sense... because that's pretty much the BIGGEST lesson I've learned in my years of writing content that converts. (which as of today is over 6000 unique articles that have generated many millions of readers, visitors and subscribers, in more pen names, product promotions and niches than I can count)
2 More quick myths that I see "guru's' promoting all of the time that have no real world benefit to me?
1 - The perfect keyword density. (it doesn't exist, and trying to create content that meets a certain metric for keyword occurrence is the fastest path to failure that I know)
2 - Micro-niches. Want the truth? Give me a BIG niche, with tons of traffic, and LOTS of competition... and I KNOW I can crush it, convert like crazy and build an entire business out from scratch. Give me a microfiche where no one is competing? I'll struggle to generate subscribers, or make a sale... with the very same skills.
Content may be KING. But competition is a close second! And every great marketer who knows his (or her) stuff... knows that to be true.
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How To Avoid Emotional Burnout And Create An Authentic Life You Love


Expert Author Rebecca C Ness
Here is a strategy to help you avoid emotional burnout in your online business, free yourself from the overwhelm of the complicated online marketing world, and LOVE your life.
What usually happens when we start a home based business is that we get into it for certain reasons like financial freedom, time with our family, or to be our own boss. But we get so caught up in the process that we end up spending all our time online trying to keep up with learning every skill in we come across, and we forget why we are doing it in the first place. At that point emotional burnout happens and we quit or look for something else..
Today, we can build a business any way we choose. There are a ton of options that it's simply a matter of finding the strategy we enjoy.
When I started my first home business, I tried to duplicate everything my upline was did, even though it wasn't in my personality. She was great at calling people and booking home parties, but I wasn't, and people could sense that.
In comparing ourselves to other people and their talents, we lose sight of our own unique skillsets and struggle to become like them. But the whole reason they are successful is because they enjoy and are good at what they do. If you find your unique skillset, you will avoid emotional burnout and be able to build your business in a way that you will stick with for the long term.
It's unhealthy to keep doing what you do not enjoy.
If you want to build a business, you have to find a way to do it that makes you happy or it won't work. If you force yourself to do something you don't want to do, you will do it because of your 'vision'... but you'll only short term.
Phoning people, following up, and doing parties is not for me. I really do admire people who can do it, but it's not for everyone. Loving what you do will bring you fulfillment in so many ways.
What do you enjoy doing? When you do get so involved in something that you forget to eat?
If you can find what makes you want to work, you will avoid emotional burnout, grow a thriving business, and you will be successful in whatever you do.
Everyone is different so everyone's business will be different. It may be based on writing, talking to people directly, doing paid advertising, making videos, or something else, but it is 100% possible to build a business that you love if you find the way you love to do it.
I suggest making two lists. One of things you want in your business and one of things you don't want. It's really important to know what you don't want.
For example, I don't want to do 3 way calls, or have to talk to my friends and family about my business waste time all day on the internet doing things that are not getting me closer to my goals.
But I do want to use the internet to get in front of people organically, and connect with people internationally who have big visions like me, and I do want to be able to get everything done in 4 hours a day or less.
Having a CLEAR vision will help you stay focused too.
I suggest dropping what you are doing right now, and writing a journal entry dated 1 year from now, written in the present tense of what your day looks like. Write down the little details like colour and smell to make it vivid, and explain exactly how you got to where you are. Keep your 'vision' close at all times because second you lose sight of that vision, burnout will start to creep in. Read your vision daily, stay focused on building daily in a way you love, and you will be amazed at the outcome.
Find your vision, keep it close, and figure out how you want to work that makes you happy.
You are in this for a reason.
It's just a matter of having a clear vision and finding your authentic voice.
You can do this any way you choose. So step up and free yourself from emotional burnout today.
Let's make 2013 the best year ever.
Rebecca Ness is a 'work from anywhere' mom who finally found her voice after years of struggle in the home business industry, and now enjoys blogging for a living. Visit her at

Fastest Ways to Make $10 Online


Expert Author Prime A.
Who wouldn't want to know the fastest ways to make $10 online? It is of great interest to people because making a quick buck is on top of everyone's mind. Money is not everything but for almost everything you need money.
We hear about many internet scams doing their rounds and may be vary of being part of such illegal activities. When people think about making quick money, the shadow of these scams keep them from taking any action on ways and means of making it a reality.
Is it possible to make money legitimately on the internet?
Yes, it is absolutely possible. Not only that it is a possibility, many people around you are already doing it.
Is there any truth in claims such as the fastest ways to make $10 online?
Yes and No. there may be false claims made by fraudulent elements in the society. When you come across an advertisement saying that for a small fee they would tell you or give you a tool to make money online, it is probably a scam. Those people may be making money out of the fee you are paying and not from any other means they claim to teach you. But the fastest ways to make $10 online such as the ones described in this article are genuine and open to everyone.
What are the requirements to make $10 online?
Money always exchanges hands legitimately when there is an exchange of goods or services. It is true for the fastest ways to make $10 also. Many of the things you have; your talents, skill sets, ideas and many goods you have access to, may be useful to others all over the world. There are internet companies which offer you an opportunity to exchange your services for money. They require you to register with them and spell out what you can offer so that you can connect with your prospective clients.
Which are the fastest ways to make $10 online?
There are many; but a few general ones are discussed here.
  • In Just Answer and Ether your answers to specific queries will be paid.
  • Idapted is a forum for those who want to learn English language; those who are proficient in the language can offer their services for pay.
  • Telemarketing companies like Brighten Employment and data entry service companies like Axion will pay you by the hour or per assignment for your services.
  • For those with writing, artistic or computer skills can offer their services at freelancing sites such as Elance, Freelancer, Odesk, Guru, etc. You may visit their sites and register; there is an option for free registration and they take commission only when you get paid for your work.
Unless and until you make your first $10 online, it may still seem like a mirage to you. There is one golden rule you should abide by, as a first timer, though. Never trust an internet site which requires you to make an upfront payment for their services. If a company is offering a platform for you to make money by exchanging your services, it is quite legitimate for them to take a commission out of your earning. But asking you for a paid subscription is your red flag!
As you test the waters, this article about the fastest ways to make $10 online will be your guide.
How to make good money online from home fast? Discover several proven ways at!

Top 7 Reasons to Start an Internet Based Business


Today's economy is iffy at best. We keep hearing about the "Fiscal Cliff" and how companies are cutting thousands of jobs. Even the Government is starting to realize that they will have to cut jobs. Long gone is the one income household. In fact, I know of some people who work 50 to 60 hours a week, then have a part-time job to make ends meet. If you are not prepared, you could find yourself in financial trouble yourself.
Fortunately, there is an alternative to working part-time at McDonalds or Walmart. Cottage industries on the internet are springing up all over the place. People are selling items on eBay, selling their skills and even starting a full authority website!
Like any other type of business, starting an internet based business has its own benefits. It can be challenging, but the rewards are worth the effort!
Minimal Investment
Start-up costs are minimal, if done right. Compare the costs of starting your own business in the city, putting up an internet based business is amazingly easier and more affordable. Instead of renting out an office space and hiring tons of employees just to do one task or job per person, why not start an internet business, where you do not need a lot of people to work for you and you are not required to find an office to operate in. Believe it or not, but with this type of business, you can set up your very own virtual office in your own bedroom or attic or even at the beach!. As long as you have a fast and stable internet connection, then you are good to go.
Big Returns
The possibility of earning a lot is not far from your grasp. This means that you can choose to work and handle several clients in one go and earn big money; or you can be picky when it comes to working with clients. In fact, compared to working from 9am to 5pm, where you earn a fixed amount, an internet business gives you an opportunity to earn a lot without slaving countless of hours in front of your desk.
Flexible Work Hours
Your working hours are extremely flexible. You are the boss! You are in control of your own life. With your very own internet business, you will no longer worry about waking up really early in the morning just to cook breakfast, drive your kids to school and meet your office deadlines. Now, you will have all the time in the world to manage your business.
Time With Family
Working from home increases your time with the family. Starting a home based internet business can be the best way to stay focused on your job while having enough time to spend with the family. This is a luxury you can afford to have on a daily basis. How cool is it to see your watch your kids grow, know you are there for them and earn big bucks on the side?
Work at home... or wherever!
You do not need to leave home to work. Online or internet businesses do not require you to commute or drive to and from the office just to get some work done. No more gas, carpool and bus allowances, because you lie in bed and earn money. Also, you can take your business with you to the beach or coffee shop. Where there is a stable internet connection, you are at work!
Your business runs on autopilot, even when you want to sleep in. This means that you do not need to stay up late and watch over your website. All you need to do is to set up your website and retrieve all messages and other business related transactions when and where you want.
Easy to analyze growth
You can easily measure your personal growth, as well as that of your virtual company. Since you can personally monitor every deal that you close or every client that you lose, you know instantly how well your internet business is doing. Create a chart or a table where you can calculate your earnings, losses and potential gains. Need a raise? Add another website or a couple more clients.
Internet business can indeed turn your entrepreneur dreams into reality. With a lot of determination, a bucket of creativity and a box full of patience, you will be able to reap all these business benefits and more!
Brad is an internet entrepreneur who is reaching out as a mentor to those new to Internet marketing. Read more articles at

The Internet: A Volatile Environment for Earning A Living


Expert Author Theresa Happe
Going to work in the online world is very different from working in the average office; your job description can change often. Webmasters can build a successful website that pays their monthly bills and wake up one Monday morning to find their incomes cut in half. They may have done everything right according to the rules of the past, but this Monday morning, the rules have changed.
The last year and a half has been a roller coaster ride with Google's dramatic algorithmic updates. Even though Google releases over 500 updates/year, Panda and Penguin have hit many webmasters hard, so much so that some still cannot recover after months of endless work trying to fix their sites and back links. When you've been involved with building websites over the years, you realize that things change often and you never know when the rug will get pulled out from under you.
If you're site has been hit hard, you have two paths you could go down. One would be to continue plugging away, trying to fix your website, possibly spending a lot of money to do so. The other path is to cut your losses and cash out before another wave of updates further depreciates the value of your website. The path you choose will depend on how far you have to go and whether or not you have the time or resources to recover.
For new webmasters, the job is much more difficult than it was 10 years ago. The bag of tricks is just about empty and few things actually compensate for hard work. Unless your brand is already well known offline or you are already a trusted authority in your niche, you'll have to earn your wings by creating original, quality content and working to make your brand known online. Chasing down highly competitive keywords and copying everything your competitor does is not a productive strategy. The future is all about pleasing visitors, not search engines, and as search engines become more capable of reading visitor behavior, tricks that mean nothing to visitors fade away.
If you have a weak stomach for constant algorithm changes and your site seems beyond repair, it might be the right time to have your website appraised and see if you can cash out. Technology changes faster than the speed of inflation and the next 10 years are likely to change even faster than the last 10.
Theresa Happe works with where you can sell your domain or search for new ones or have your domain appraised.

Why Purchase EBooks - Benefits of Buying EBooks Online


Expert Author Emily J Jayden
Ever since the idea of digital books took the publishing world by storm, millions of enthusiastic readers are looking for eBooks as the popular reading choice over hardbound paper copies. The best thing about eBooks is that you do not have to destroy the rainforests to produce paper on which to print the written word. Here are some benefits of choosing eBooks as your present and future reading choice.
Benefits of eBooks
What is an e-book? An e-book - also known as an electronic or a digital book - is the digitalized version of a full-length book manuscript. This can include links, hyperlinks, text, images, flowcharts and diagrams. eBooks can be written on any topic imaginable and can be of any length. All you need is an e-book reader to interpret the digital word into a readable format.
Some of the popular hand-held reader brand names are Cybook Opus, Hanlin V3, Illiad, iPad, IRex digital reader, JetBook, Kindle DX, Kobo Reader, Samsung Galaxy, Nook, Microsoft reader, Sony Reader, Tablet, etc.
Where to Purchase Digital eBooks?
Are you looking for eBooks on a specific topic? You need to look for a place where you can buy the electronic book of your choice and download it on your computer or on your e-book reading device. Some of the better-known digitalized books selling sites have just this downside - you cannot read their eBooks on your own personal e-book reader. You have to buy their expensive electronic book reading software. This may turn out to be an expensive proposition for a number of people. That is why you need to choose a well-known and popular e-book selling site where you can purchase digital books that can be read easily and instantly on your own personal e-book reader.
Advantages of eBooks over Printed Books
A digital book is forever. It is never going to be torn and its pages are never going to be attacked by silverfish, dry rot, or Time. That is why valuable and priceless books are being turned into eBooks by a number of libraries- as well as by Google - for eternal preservation purposes.
One of the best advantages of an e-book over its printed equivalent is its tiny size. Thanks to the storage capacity ranging from 2 GB to 32 GB of a number of e-book readers, you can store anywhere between 200 to 20,000 books on your readers nowadays. Just imagine carrying your full library with you wherever you go. It is impossible, obviously! Thanks to these books, however, having been preserved in the digital mode, you can appreciate the clear and crisp images, drawings and paintings of your favorite books, displayed on your e-book reader screen.
How to Download eBooks of Your Choice
Downloading eBooks and preserving them on your eBook reading device is very easy. Once you have purchased the book of your choice, you are going to be directed to the book's download link. After that, you can download books online in the format of your choice. Book publishers normally publish their books in EPUB and MOBI format. These are the most popular and easily read e-book formats available and preferred in the digital publishing world today.
You can now read your downloaded book on your computer. You can also read your purchased electronic book on your e-book reading device after loading the book on it.
Therefore, now that you know all about the advantages of eBooks and how to purchase eBooks, add new volumes to your digital library and book collection right now.
Learn about how to purchase eBooks, their readers, different formats and benefits of eBooks. Get to know more about buying digital and download more of them to add into your collection.

Learn More About Choosing Top Quality EBooks


Expert Author Emily J Jayden
Do you know that a majority of publishers have begun to choose publishing in an eBook format over the traditional print method? That is because they have understood the popularity of an eBook digital version format over the printed page. Many publishing companies predict that the printed form of publishing will become obsolete by 2050, with everyone gaining access to the printed word through digital format and that is the reason why more and more people want to buy electronic books from publishers and e-book selling sites online.
Why Choose to Buy eBooks
EBooks have one major advantage over the printed hardcopy form. They are available in a number of formats. They are environmental friendly because they don't need to be printed on paper. Imagine lugging the Chambers dictionary around in its physical hardbound hardcopy form and then imagine gaining access to the same dictionary on your e-book reader, anytime, anywhere. Not only is the digitalized version smaller, but storing it on your digital reader shows you that how much more space you have left for further storage, depending upon the storage capacity of your device.
The best advantage an electronic book has over the printed form is that you can change the size of the printed word on your digitalized e-book reader. That means you get a chance to read those digitalized versions of classics, which you have been avoiding just because the book print font was so minuscule.
Reading eBooks on Handheld Devices
Thanks to the increasing demand for different eBook readers that are able to read and interpret different ebook formats. Sony, Samsung, Amazon, Asus, Bookeen, Foxit, Icarus, Microsoft, Onyx and Kobo has launched state-of-the-art and user-friendly e-book reader products in the market today. Most of them are very reasonably priced and so anyone can read an e-book on a handheld device nowadays. Many smart phones also have the ability for you to browse through your favorite electronic book while you are waiting in the dentist's office or while you are trying your best to break the monotony of a long and tedious journey.
Choosing the Right eBook Format
Did you notice that you can read eBooks on your computer too? This idea was started by Microsoft with a PC-based Microsoft e-book reader. The only problem here was that the electronic books that could be read on this particular reader were in Lit format. You could not read that in any other format on this reader. More and more digitalized formats started appearing slowly on the publishing scene as e-books got more and more popular. These formats included EPUB, MOBI, TXT, RTF, HTMLZ, LIT, PDF, etc. This also means that readers now have more digital formats to choose from.Look for an eBook format that suits you best. The most popular ones are EPUB, TXT, MOBI, RTF, and PDF.
Best Free E-Books
Do you know that a number of publishing companies encourage their visitors to download free e-books from their sites online? In this manner, you get to read a number of books on different subjects and genres. That also means that you would perhaps like buying the book of your choice on that particular e-book website if you want to add it to your digital library. Archive org and Google books have free downloadable digitalized e-book versions of old classics, which are not available outside well-known libraries like Harvard and Princeton. However, you can get lots of informative books on contemporary subjects and topics from well-known e-book selling sites online
So now that you know how to buy eBooks, look for the most popular eBook selling site online - with the widest range and choice of e-books - today!
This article is a guide giving you more information on how to purchase e-books and where you can get the best free eBooks. Also get more information on different e-book formats, readers, and their advantages over conventional printed format.

Finding the Best Digital Products Online


Expert Author Emily J Jayden
Thanks to more and more people choosing online shopping as the perfect way to obtain products they cannot find in their friendly neighborhood supermarket. Is it still a surprise that there are so many sites online offering you an amazing range of digital products? These digital products include eBooks, tutorials, how-to books, and even software. Just imagine these digital products to be items that are present in your hard disk drive in a proper format. They can be downloaded onto another computer or e-book reader and then installed and/or read.
How to Purchase A Digital Product?
You may want to upgrade the software in your computer. You go to a website and look for the proper software needed to make your computer a state-of-the-art whiz machine. You then select the right software that best suits your needs, requirements and budget. After you have paid for that product, you are allowed to download it onto your computer through a download link. This download link is going to be provided to you by the company producing that particular software or product. This link may also be provided to you by the DP sale site owner, selling that product on his site through an affiliate marketing program.
Now, this bought product is going to stay on your computer hard disk drive forever. You can even burn it on a disk for preservation backup purposes.
In the same manner, you can buy any number of eBooks of your choice on different subjects and topics on a number of well-known websites selling different types of electronic based products.
Benefits of Buying Digital Products
Apart from buying a useful thing that does not have a physical bulky material presence in your house - these products are stored in your computer or on your e-book reading device - there are other benefits of buying them as well.
Many people buy top quality products directly from good websites so that they can sell them to other buyers. This is the basis of affiliate market selling. For example, there are many people who are interested in eBooks on weight loss and dieting. A number of best-selling authors who previously published these books in hard copy printed formats and had them selling in bricks and mortar bookshops are now making these books available in e-book formats. So, you can buy these very- much- in- demand eBooks from another site online and sell them on your website.
Affiliate Marketing and Reselling Digital Technology Based Products
The advantages of buying these products online - like best-selling digital eBooks - are manifold. You do not have to bother about bulky inventories and physical storage space needed for these items. You can sell them again and again and again. You do not have to bother about a middleman or a publisher taking his own cut for every item sold.
This normally happens when an author sells a hard copy of his printed book in a bookstore. In such a case, he just gets a percentage of the selling price in the form of royalties. However, this is definitely not the case when you are selling eBooks online through an affiliate marketing program or on your own personal website.
Now that you know all about the advantages of these digital products over physical material based products, you can choose to buy your choice of best-selling, extremely popular and fast selling digital products on good and well-stocked sites online right now! Choose the site that gives you the best variety of products like eBooks and software. Look at the customer rating and reviews before you choose a popular book or software.
This article is a guide for all those people interested in purchasing products like digital eBooks, also knowing about their benefits and uses. It also gives you more information about affiliate marketing and how it can be connected with the resale of digital products as a lucrative business marketing strategy.